Clean, fixed and dark style for XenForo. For painless XenForo upgrading.
This is a simple style based on default XenForo style. All edits are made in style properties and with some extra codes in darkoliveforo.css template.
With this style you won't have headaches when upgrading XenForo, because no core templates are changed (except one line for adding the darkoliveforo.css).
If you haven't already done so, pleaserate and review!
darkOliveForo also works great withSticky Navigation [premium edition]add-on.
How to install
Upload files fromuploadfolder to right place on your server
Importxmlfile and install with settings you see below:
How to update
Upload files fromuploadfolder to right place on your server (note: careful if you changed them; make a backup before!)
Importxmlfile and install with settings you see below:
Donations are welcome.Start a conversationwith me if you want to donate.
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