Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra | DoubleCodes | Hacking Tools Free Download

Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra

Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra

Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra
Download Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra

Program Name: Registry First Aid Platinum
Program Version: 11.3.0 Build 2585
Interface language: Russian, English
Treatment: not required (installer already treated)
Type of medication: file replacement

System requirements:
• Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP / 2000/2003/2008, 32 / 64bit

Registry First Aid Platinum is a powerful, feature-rich tool for optimizing and cleaning the registry of the Windows operating system. The program scans the registry for damaged or unnecessary entries (remaining after uninstalling the programs), thereby ensuring faster computer operation. It scans the registry and detects invalid keys that you can fix or delete. It searches for records and compares them with files on the disk, and if a record is found that matches the file that was moved to another folder, the program will correct this entry in the registry. The program has the option of backup and restore the registry in case the system crashes.

• Firstly, Registry First Aid scans your PC and finds broken, damaged or unused registry entries. If it is impossible to fix or restore them, then such records are deleted. In this case, before the changes, backup of the current version of the registry is made.
• Secondly, here you can create a full backup copy of the registry so that, with any problems in the system’s operation related to the registry, you can restore everything quickly and conveniently.
• Thirdly, the utility allows you to compress and defragment the registry, making it more responsive and compact.
• Fourth, there are options for searching the registry, creating registry snapshots for comparison, as well as a registry manager where you can manage autorun programs, uninstall programs, the "Open with ..." function in the context menu, etc.
• In general, using Registry First Aid will make your PC work faster and more stable by optimizing and fixing the registry.
Version Changes:
+ new "Scan Options" page in the Settings Dialog with options how to scan and backup registry;
* many interface enhancements;
* Registry Restore: default sorting of backup files by Date Created - recent date at the top, remembering last sorted column and sort direction;
* now free trial will scan and fix all entries in some registry categories; a full set of registry categories is avaiable in registered version;
* some language files updated;
Features RePack'a:
1. Installation of the program combined in one distribution kit or unpacking of the portable (PortableApps format) version
2. Does not require registration (RBC patch)
3. Multilingual interface (including Russian / supplemented by wvxwxvw /)
4. The ability to pick up and autocopy a custom settings file of the RFA.ini program
and RFA_exclusions.ini exception settings file
5. Picks up an external settings.reg settings file (if located next to the installer)

Silent installation with the / SILENT or / VERYSILENT switches (or the silent installation.cmd file)
For "Silent" installation of the portable version, the additional key / PORTABLE = 1 (or the file "Unpacking portable.cmd")

Note!!! Upon completion of the installation, you will be asked to visit the repack author’s site. Uncheck at will.



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DoubleCodes | Hacking Tools Free Download: Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra
Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra
Registry First Aid Platinum 11.3.0 Build 2585 (2019) PC | RePack & Portable by elchupacabra
DoubleCodes | Hacking Tools Free Download
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